Session 1
1- Stress management and resilience in these uncertain times.
This interactive webinar will give you tips and advice on how to manage your stress and anxiety in the face of the uncertainty we are experiencing. We will discuss strategies to develop our resilience during these difficult times and we will also discuss our children’s reactions and how we can accompany and reassure them.
Session 2
2- Managing change and becoming ‘friends’ with it
During this interactive webinar, you will be introduced to the concept of change, ‘normal’ and important things to consider when managing change during challenging times.
Session 3
3- Your mental health and the importance of fun
During this practical and interactive webinar, you will be introduced to the concepts of well being, self-care and the importance of incorporating fun and laughter into their daily activities.
Session 4
4- Adaptability the Key to Managing Challenging Times
During this interactive webinar, you will come to understand the concept of adaptability and its importance as well as a few tools and strategies to boost your adaptability skills.
Session 5
5- Review with Q&A period
In this last webinar, we will review the concepts that were covered in the last few weeks. You'll have the opportunity to ask Linda any questions and to receive coaching about what had been discussed and covered over the last 4 weeks.